When the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, a masterstroke was played. It gave the go-ahead for huge increases in state power under a seemingly credible guise of alleged concern for public health. With no real hard evidence, only computer model predictions based on theories, economies have been shut down and freedom has been lost.
The state has assumed unprecedented power
The power grab has been planned and is a deliberate act of deception. This can be known with certainty beyond any reasonable doubt because the premise for the well-coordinated action across the western world is demonstrably false. The evidence to support such action is non-existent. Dozens of ‘freedom of information’ requests in many countries have revealed that governments do not have the evidence of an isolated virus. But even if you allow them the existence of the virus the narrative still doesn’t stand up to logical scrutiny. There is no reasonable justification to shut down an economy to save a health care system.
See these previous articles for details:
- Contagion – the fairy tale that endures in spite of the contradictory evidence
- The Phantom Virus – in search of SARS-COV-2
- 10 Reasons that SARS-COV-2 is an imaginary and theoretical virus
The point is that governments have imposed huge controls on social mobility and economic activity that amount to almost total state control. What ever freedom we have left in the western world is lost – in principle.
When the state (any government anywhere) assumes to take complete control of peoples lives you live under communism. We can quibble about the name we give to total state control but it makes no difference. You can call it totalitarianism, or tyranny or dictatorship, or communism, or communitarianism, but the fundamental principle is collectivism.
Collectivism is the idea of the collective or the group or the community or society being supreme over individuals. The individual (YOU) has no right to live for his/her own sake!
The collective is claimed to be represented by the government or a dictator posing as head of the government. And the government is the institution wielding legalized force that claims to be acting in the name of the group. The individual is nothing, society is king.
This is the model we see in China. It is the same as in Soviet Russia last century, or in Pol Pot’s Cambodia or in Cuba to this day or Venezuela. It is the principle that must be observed. The principle of total state control and the complete subservience of the individual. Under such a system the individual has no rights as a matter of principle. Favours or benefit privileges may be granted to good little citizens but dissent is crushed and property rights vanish. This is now what we are living under here in Britain.
Of course, if you are plugged into ‘the Matrix’ of the mainstream narrative and listen only to the propaganda asserting its lies as truth, then it all appears to be a genuine crisis being managed in the best interests of the community. And this is the case with the vast majority of unthinking people. Consequently, the most alarming aspect of the ‘scamdemic’ is the lack of any sizable (and therefore credible) resistance. There is no obstacle to the imposition of the New World Order that is the global governance plan of the controlling parasites.
Controlled Economy
Here in the UK pubs, clubs, cinemas, gymnasiums, sports clubs, bars and restaurants along with many other forms of activity have been effectively ordered to stop trading. Yet some of the larger corporations have been allowed to remain. Amazon is an obvious example. Some privileged supermarkets, such as Tesco in the UK, have been able to stay open as a vital food outlets and keep selling a wide variety of other goods as well. The small businesses that sell the same products in the high street have had to close. You are witnessing the destruction of the middle class.
Government bailouts in the form of furlough schemes and grants keep people afloat while they are ordered to stay at home. The government provides the ‘teat’ at which you must suck in order to live. Private commerce is shut down by state decree and yet the state becomes your friend ‘helping’ you through the crisis. Most non-thinkers have been enjoying this situation of free money for no work without seeing where it is heading.
It is important to note that State control of the economy has been a developing situation for many years. It has not just happened ‘out of the blue’. For decades here in the UK we have seen an increasing number of government contracts creeping into many areas of the economy. What appears to be a free market to the casual observer is nothing of the kind. Government money has quietly been steering and influencing research as well as funding many business activities unseen by paying contractors in various sectors of the economy. On the outside it looks like private enterprise but it is not.
Public Private Partnerships (PPP’s) sound great on the surface but they are a hidden state control mechanism and a means to conceal corruption and favours. Its great if you are in the “in club”, if you are towing the line and not rocking the boat. But any serious competition from those interests fundamentally opposing the general direction towards collectivism is weeded out. The great work has been in progress for a long long time, all unbeknownst to the average man or woman on the street.
Social control
People have been told to stay at home, self-isolate , and consider all people as a potential threat. The new implicit mantra is that everyone is a threat until proven healthy! The fear is ramped up in the controlled media and we are seeing increased pressure to get vaccinated. Coming down the pipe is the vaccine passport.
The vaccine passport is a dream ticket for totalitarianism. An ID card showing your health/vaccine status. With its scientifically useless but beautifully manipulable PCR test, the state can decide who is permitted to travel and who must be quarantined (detained) and for how long. Alarm bells should be ringing in the minds of anyone able to think for themselves!
The vaccine passport is the device that will overtly bring the Chinese model of collectivism to the western world. And where is the resistance? Where are the thinking people? The answer is there are way too few of them to make any difference. The outlook is bleak for freedom.
The Fundamentals
It is beyond the thinking capacity of most people to examine the fundamentals of an issue as a matter of principle. Most people will not understand the fundamentals beneath a conclusion they believe to be true, let alone question the fundamentals of big issues such as alleged pandemics or alleged climate emergencies. However, the only way to understand what is going on in the world is to get to the root of issues and examine the fundamentals.
Ayn Rand taught me that the barometer of whether a civilisation is headed towards freedom or tyranny is to gauge the degree of reason within its predominant culture. Reason and political freedom are corollaries – one proceeds from the other. Political freedom encourages reason and vice versa. Today reason is discounted in our mainstream culture. It remains dominant by necessity in the physical sciences and manufacturing. But in the social sciences and all of our dominant institutions it has long been rejected.
With issues such as false flag terrorism, the alleged climate emergency, hysteria over gender variations and now the bogus pandemic, our culture has truly departed from the rails of reality. We are living in some kind of Orwellian nightmare where anything can be asserted no matter how little evidence there is for it or against it. Mysticism is the dominant root philosophical premise of our present culture.
Mysticism is the opposite of reason and the destroyer of truth. Mysticism means belief in things without evidence and even in contradiction to the available evidence. It means taking things on faith without proof. This is why so many components of the modern world view as presented in the mainstream narrative are accepted without question.

The ethics of mysticism is altruism. For those unfamiliar with philosophy let me explain. Philosophy comprises 5 subject areas. At the base is metaphysics. This is a fundamental view of existence. Alongside this is epistemology, which is the study of knowledge and how we know things. From this base proceed ethics (or morality) which is the study of what actions are appropriate to take in order to live. These three components of philosophy address the fundamentals of “What exists? How do I know it? and what should I do about it?”. From the conclusion of what we should do about it, or how an individual should act(ethics), proceeds politics, or political science. Any system of Politics always proceeds from some kind of ethics (morality) and the dominant ethics of today is altruism. Altruism holds that man has no right to live for his own sake. It is the code of self-sacrifice.
Agenda 21
The political agenda is being rolled out through the glossy environmental mask of Agenda 21. The details of this can be found in Rosa Koire’s excellent book “Behind the green mask“. It is impossible to comprehend the situation you are living in without a knowledge of the political agenda that is being deceptively imposed on you.
There are many institutions that have overtly been campaigning for global governance for decades. This is not new, not hidden and not a conspiracy theory. It is a published and widely advocated for political goal!
The 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto
For those familiar with the 10 planks of the communist manifesto it is not hard to see that they have all become de-facto part of the political landscape here in the UK and across the western world. In the 1960s When the leader of the Soviet Union (Nikita Khrushchev) said that they would bury the west, he was spot on. And they have achieved it not by invasion but though subversion. But don’t make the mistake of seeing the Russians as the enemy, it is the principle that ‘man may not live for his own sake‘ that is the enemy. It is the dominant ethics of Altruism that is beneath that. And it is ultimately Mysticism that underpins Altruism that is humanities greatest enemy.
Consider these 10 planks of the communist manifesto and reflect on the political situation in your country.
1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.
Here in the UK you cannot build on any land you own without government permission. You must pay ongoing tax on it, and ultimately you can have it seized by compulsory purchase if the state decides that it is in the public interest to do so. Forget owning your own tooth brush. It is land where the principle either stands or falls. Without property rights no other rights are possible. Property rights are the expression and manifestation of mans individual rights. Without the right to his own property, to use it and dispose of it as he sees fit, without the right to earn and own the product of his own effort man is not free.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Taxation is a negation of property rights. If you are obligated to pay some of what you earn by your own effort to the state or to anyone, you are a slave not a free man.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
The laws are complex around this issue but the inheritance tax in the UK which often forces the sale of old family homes is just another denial of property rights. Its a denial of the right of the man or woman who created the wealth to give it to whoever they wish. Once again property rights are attacked.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
Ditto – property rights
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
The state creates the money in cahoots with the privately owned central banks. There is no free market in money. The state declares its currency to be used as legal tender. Thus the foundation of a controlled economy is laid.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the State.
Control of communications is in the bag. Censorship and state control of the BBC are a done deal. Propaganda is rife with the UK government spending huge amounts on national bus-stop poster campaigns and newspaper full page advertisements to promote their ideas of mass vaccination and fear of the ‘deadly virus’.
In the UK almost all of the infrastructure is in the hands of the state. Certainly all of the significant components. It makes no difference whether it is the Chinese state owning a port or the UK government.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
Nationalised industries and state owned national parks along with public parks and all such programs of state imposed land use have been the norm for decades.
8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of Industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
The welfare state has long been established in the UK. England became a socialist nation last century. Socialism being a necessary step towards full blown collectivism.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
The present form of the UK planning system has been in place since 1948. You cannot live on your own land or build what you want or need without government approval.
10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.
Once education is in the hands of the state the end isn’t far off. Giving young minds into the hands of the controllers is a disaster and inevitably leads to mass indoctrination in support of statist ideas.
The writing is on the wall. The collectivist society is here. It has been for some time, but now it is removing the last of its camouflage. The iron fist is being removed from the velvet glove. The hallmark of the thinking man or woman is their willingness to face facts and to know the full reality of a given situation.
The truth is in plain sight.
Nigel Howitt, Treehouse Farm
May 20th, 2021
After viewing this artcle, I would encourage the author, “as reason becomes our focus here”, to explore in depth the following website. It is without any doubt that if the journey is to continue we must fight fire with fire to be a true rebel in the world today.
What do you mean by “fight fire with fire”? If you are dealing with a raging beast that sleeps I suggest tip-toeing away quietly. If you are dealing irrational men i would simply walk away, they can never be reached. Please explain?
Very interesting articles. Olivier Delamarche, a French economist, has more or less the same views than yours on the economy of western countries being on the road of turning into communist countries.
Why not? After all we have been told in school we should have a country more equalities being human. Honestly I feel the most important part of your article is the beginning and the end. The beginning because people lose their rights with their consent, and the end because education played a central role. At school teachers had a total biased view toward socialism, and at the University there was the theory of genre.
In Japan, still the constitution allowed us to keep our rights, no lockdown at all. But bars and restaurants who closed are now totally financially dependent from the government. Bars which stayed opened were busy until the morning.
I think I am far more opitimistic than you because in Japan there were no lockdown, just the medias trying to make people panic. Interestingly I have the feeling many people here really began to panic in Japan one year after people in Europe. I don’t watch news, so I don’t know why.
The reason why I am more optimistic I think is the conditions at work now became far better, at least in my case, since I did body weight training I didn’t need a gym, I didn’t watch tv initially so I didn’t panic, Japanese people around me are not hysterical. I think this crisis has been more a crisis in Europe than Asia.
Still in the case of Japan the government is a total joke in favor of Biden, so anything happening in the US happens here afterwards, so all attempts against freedoms happen also here. But many young people I think won’t comply easily to the vaccine propaganda.
Alexandre, thanks for your comments. It seems reasonable that cultural differences around the world would give rise to different responses to the madness. I am glad to hear that it is less in Japan. In the UK many people wear masks in their cars, in the shops (by legislation) and walking down the street. But my biggest concern remains that there is little resistance to the assumptions in the narrative or the restrictions placed on peoples actions.
It doesn’t sound good for the long term though if japan follows Biden. He stands for the communist agenda in the US. And the globalists need the US to fall to stand any chance of success in the plan for global governance.