[This fabulously informative post was reprinted here by kind permission of the author Mike Stone of www.viroLIEgy.com] According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the germ “theory” of disease, which states that certain diseases are caused by the invasion of the body by microorganisms too small to be seen, … [Read more...] about The Germ Hypothesis Part 1 – Pasteur’s Problems
Ep 175 Uncovering the psuedoscience of viroLIEgy – with Mike Stone
We are told to follow the science, and amazingly, we are even told NOT to do our own research, but Mike Stone from Ohio, in the states, is a shining example of a lay person doing his own research and uncovering in incredible detail the many false ideas in the pseudo-science that is virology. In this Episode of "living … [Read more...] about Ep 175 Uncovering the psuedoscience of viroLIEgy – with Mike Stone
Ep 174 Pushing back against the Bio-Security State – with Dr Tess Lawrie
There is an alternative to the medical tyranny being imposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and it starts with each one of us individually. According to Dr Tess Lawrie, of the World Council for Health, we have an opportunity to start again from the ground up, with individuals taking responsibility for their … [Read more...] about Ep 174 Pushing back against the Bio-Security State – with Dr Tess Lawrie
Ep 173 The Paleo-Ketogenic diet with Dr Sarah Myhill
What we choose to put in our mouths is the most powerful driver of our health outcomes. For those interested in maintaining functionality of mind and body and slowing the ageing process, eating the correct diet must become a primary concern. The problem is that the waters of this debate are muddied by the often heard … [Read more...] about Ep 173 The Paleo-Ketogenic diet with Dr Sarah Myhill
Ep 170 Toxic Superfoods — The hidden dangers of Oxalates, with Sally K Norton
Oxalic acid is a very harmful substance to human health, and yet many of the vegetables that are currently championed as superfoods, including chard, spinach and sweet potatoes, contain dangerously high levels. The harm this substance causes has been known about in the medical literature for 200 years, and yet oxalates … [Read more...] about Ep 170 Toxic Superfoods — The hidden dangers of Oxalates, with Sally K Norton
Ep 169 Germ theory is false and viruses don’t exist — with Mike Stone and James McCumiskey
The issues of pandemics, lock downs and mask mandates haven't gone away. COVID-19 was a test run. How do we know this? Because the World Health Organisation (WHO) is drawing up a treaty for all member states of the United Nations to sign up to. This will bind them to WHO rules for lock downs, mask wearing mandates and … [Read more...] about Ep 169 Germ theory is false and viruses don’t exist — with Mike Stone and James McCumiskey
Ep 164 – Questioning the need for vitamin supplements – with Daniel Roytas
Taking supplements is something many health conscious people do. It is often thought that essential vitamins supplements are worth adding to our diets because our food is depleted of nutrients after decades of modern farming methods. On the face of it, this seems a reasonable assumption - until you scratch beneath the … [Read more...] about Ep 164 – Questioning the need for vitamin supplements – with Daniel Roytas
Ep 161 – Team NO VIRUS: Settling the virus debate
In this episode of Living outside the Matrix, we bring you a panel of UK-based thinkers that are challenging the official dogma on viruses. In spite of widespread belief to the contrary, viruses have never been proven to exist, as such. No controlled experiments have properly isolated them, and they have never been … [Read more...] about Ep 161 – Team NO VIRUS: Settling the virus debate
Ep 156 Science, health and philosophy outside the Matrix – with Dr Andrew Kaufman
Dr Andy Kaufman presents himself as one of the foremost rational thinkers of today. In his questioning of the pandemic narrative he went directly to the fundamentals and sought proof of the existence of the virus and the evidence for and against the predominant paradigm of germ theory in medicine. He followed in the … [Read more...] about Ep 156 Science, health and philosophy outside the Matrix – with Dr Andrew Kaufman
Ep 148 Thinking in Principles to Increase your Healthspan
A key feature of the rational approach is to think and act according to consciously held principles. Accordingly, the rational person, who naturally prioritises health, is guided by consciously chosen principles in the pursuit of optimal health Your diet is arguably the most powerful tool with which to exert control … [Read more...] about Ep 148 Thinking in Principles to Increase your Healthspan