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Achieving health is simple, it’s just not that easy. What I mean here is this. What you need to do is not hard, it is achievable by any one, however, it is rather challenging to put it all together and stick with it. Especially in the context or ingrained bad habits, addiction issues and ubiquitous health myths.
Health is something we have to achieve personally. It cannot be granted to us or bestowed upon us, it must be earned as the accumulation of every lifestyle choice we ever make. In a world full of temptingly delicious taste bud experiences as well as a considerable amount of propaganda and disinformation, this can be quite difficult to achieve.
Step one is to know about the many health myths within the Matrix
Health is possibly the topic with the most disinformation put out there and the most potential duff steers to get you barking up the wrong tree entirely and consequently scuppering your attempts at health. This may be the highest of all hurdles to overcome for some people, but then that is why this blog is called living outside the Matrix. We just have to be willing and able to think outside the box in order to bust these health myths. That means questioning the mainstream and all the conclusions as well as the assumptions within it.
Here is a head start to get you off on the right foot. This is NEED TO KNOW information that can literally be a matter of life or death.
1. Don’t go to your Doctor unless you really have to
The number one health myth is that your doctor can help you with health. Generally speaking, he can’t. There are, of course, exceptions. I covered this myth extensively in episode 54 of ‘Living outside the Matrix’. Check back to this episode to find out the many reasons why this is so. If you need stitching together after an accident, or any kind of acute remedial attention then the Doctor can help. Otherwise stay away from him.
In a nut shell, your doctor is educated by the pharmaceutical corporations and knows how to match prescription drugs with symptoms. This is at best a sticking plaster method that deals with the immediate effects of the disease/condition. However it does nothing to address the root cause. Health is a root cause issue. Your doctor is not educated in how to achieve health, but how to manage disease.
The chances are very high that he will prescribe you antibiotics as a matter of routine for a broad range of conditions, even viral and fungal infections! The truth is that antibiotics should not be used in a such a cavalier way. When absolutely necessary they are a life saver. Yet our immune system and its efficiency ultimately depends upon the health and diversity of our microbiome. Microbial numbers and diversity will be reduced enormously by antibiotics. The route to health is to boost and support your gut microbes not decimate them.
2. A balanced diet of 3 square meals a day is not a good idea
Diet is crucial to human well being and it must be the central pillar of your plan for lifestyle changes if it is health that you seek yet the subject of diet is packed full of health myths. Mainstream dietary advice is 180 degrees wrong if you consider the advice of the United States governments food pyramid nd its recommendation to eat 5-11 servings of grains a day.
Almost all of us eat a diet to which the human genome is not adapted. Ill health is the inevitable consequence. The traditional advice of a balanced diet is nonsense. Balanced is a word that sounds desirable but is ultimately meaningless with respect to diet. It literally means a bit of everything and not too much of anything. by implication it means eating some rubbish as well as some healthy foods. As for eating “3 square meals a day plus snacks”, this sort of advice caters more for the needs of the food industry than you or me.
Reject these myths completely and start again from the ground up re-designing your eating habits primarily around the needs of your body as opposed to primarily for taste. Be prepared to unlearn many things you know about diet and nutrition. start by learning what constitutes real food and also how diet can be our number one tool against disease. It is not beyond the wit of man to know how to eat for health. But we must be aware of the fact that disinformation is out there that will potentially harm you unless you are prepared to think for yourself and embark on a process of self education in nutrition and diet.
3. Sugar is your main enemy
There is an implicit myth out there that sugar is ok. It is not. In the matrix people reward themselves and they reward children with sugary ‘treats’. Sugar is a substance that is known to be more addictive than cocaine and is proven to be a huge undermining factor of health. Sugar is bad news for health and removing it from your diet is essential if it is vitality and longevity that you desire.
Avoiding sugar in the form of cakes, sweets, biscuits, pastries, chocolates etc, is only the start of it. But if that is all you can achieve it is a major step in the right direction. Ultimately be aware that potatoes, bread and grains, pasta, Spaghetti and lasagne are all sugar by the time these ‘foods’ reach your stomach. We have to reprogram ourselves into a whole new way of eating – it takes time, so be gentle with your self.
It is encouraging to note that cancer cells can only metabolise sugar. It is the only fuel they can use. So if we eat less of it we predispose ourselves towards health and away from experiencing cancer. Understand that lowering our blood sugar level is a massive push in the direction of health. Sugar is not OK, when consumed in anything other than small amounts, it is the enemy of your health.
4. Organic food is essential
There are many health myths put out there about Oragnically produced food. Such as… you can’t taste the difference, or that it is no more nutritious than ordinary produce. These are irrelevant distractions from the one simple truth. Organically produced food is less toxic than conventionally produced food by definition. And that is the end of the argument. There is nothing else you need to know.
In an increasingly toxic world with toxic substances used more and more prolifically in the production of almost all ‘food-like products’ it is absolutely crucial to minimise our exposure to toxins. Eating exclusively ‘organic’ is absolutely necessary if you wish to minimise the amount of poison you ingest.
Growing your own food is another way to address this need, and it potentially improves the quality of your food even more. The extent to which you are prepared to attend to the health and quality of your soil without toxic additives you can grow healthy home produce.
5. Fat doesn’t makes you fat
Fat is an essential macronutrient and it does not make you fat if you avoid eating it at the same time refined carbohydrates. And cholesterol does not cause heart disease. These two myths have dominated mainstream dietary and nutritional advice for decades. They are both scientifically proven to be false.
The propaganda and disinformation have been so relentlessly drummed into us for so many years that many people still find it hard to avoid pushing the fatty bits of meat to the side of their plate. But you must overcome this insidious programming that keeps you from enjoying full and optimal health. A low-fat diet is not a good idea. Low sugar yes, low carb yes. Not low fat. But you must know your healthy fats from your unhealthy fats.
Your body needs fat and it loves to burn fat as its primary fuel. The advantages of burning fat for fuel include; better mental clarity, improved immune function, lower triglycerides and reduced risk of heart disease, improved gut health, reduced rate of ageing, better dental health and all-round avoidance of illness. In short, better health. Check out episodes 12 and 33 of “Living outside the Matrix” for more details.
The Myth is that you need some dietary sugar to fuel the brain with Glucose. You don’t.
6. Cholesterol is your friend
Closely related to the myths about dangerous saturated fat, is the health myth that cholesterol will clog your arteries and lead to heart failure. It is not true. Well sourced oragnic raw butter is a wonderful source of healthy fat. However, margarine and rapeseed oil in the form of canola will be detrimental to your health.
The truth is that measuring a total cholesterol level is meaningless without differentiating between high and low density lipo-protein (HDL and LDL) and then the specific particle sizes of the LDL. Small particles of LDL are undesirable in the blood, but it must be noted that these are increased by eating wheat and sugar and NOT eggs and butter.
7. Tap water is NOT safe to drink
Municipal water supplies in many areas should not be considered safe to drink. They are a cocktail of toxins from Pharmaceutical drug residues, birth control pill residues, antibiotics, pesticides, glyphosate, mercury, chlorine, and in some areas, fluoride. None of this should have any place in your body. You must take action to not ingest tap water on a regular basis.
It is a myth that water supplies in the UK and much of Europe, as well as the USA, are safe. They are not.
Good quailty water is a foundational requirement for optimal health and well-being and it is vital to secure a supply. Filtration is a good option, or well water if contamination is not an issue and quality is good. Bottled water has many problems with toxins in plastic to expense and inconvenience.
8. Electro Magnetic Fields are best avoided
One of the most popular health myths out there in the Matrix, that mobile phones are safe to hold against your ear, and that it is fine for the schools to be saturated with wi-fi. But the truth that no one wants to hear is that EMF’s are harmful. No one wants to relinquish such an amazing piece of kit such as the modern smart phone/pocket computer, yet the science and the facts demonstrate that there is a high potential health cost to pay in the form of accelerated ageing, reduced fertility and and even autism.
Traditional reassurance has centred on the thermal effect, or how much your cells heat up from the effects of the phone. But this is not the real point of concern. It is known that Electro Magnetic fields (EMF’s) activate what are called Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (VGCC’s). These are the normal means for calcium to enter body cells, however, when continually activated by EMF’s an inappropriate build up of calcium occurs within the cell.
The increased levels of Calcium now present inside the cell triggers a cascade of events that results in increased numbers of free radicals and subsequent free radical damage to the mitochondria and cell DNA. It is worth striving to understand the mechanism, it is not that complicated. I will expand on the issue in a subsequent post on EMF’s. But the point is that there is a major myth to bust here. To ensure the fertility of our children and grandchildren we must be aware of this danger and modify our use of certain technology appropriately.
9. Know about Toxic Modern Dentistry
There is an inexplicable devide between the Doctor and the Densist in our present health care practices. This makes no logical sense. As it turns out there are many aspects of modern dentistry that pose a severe threat to your overall health and well being, and you just have to know about them if it is health that you seek. Your conventional doctor will not even think of considering infections and toxicity in the jaw a factor in immune system load. Health myth number 9 is that modern dentistry is safe. It is not.
For a start, Mercury amalgam fillings are not safe in your mouth what ever the claims of the General Dental Council or your dentist. Ask yourself why when it is extracted onto the workbench mercury amalgam filling transform from being benign and safe into hazardous waste that must be treated with special health and safety procedures in order safely dispose of it. While they are in your teeth they are claimed to be safe. But amalgam filling leach mercury vapour into your mouth 24/7 steadily and chronically poisoning you and needlessly loading your immune system.
Root canal procedures leave a dead tooth in your jaw. With a honeycomb-like structure, the dead tooth is the perfect home for bacteria which thrive in the myriad of tiny passages and cavities. The toxins released by the inevitable infections further burden the immune system with a 24/7 release of toxins. Without even getting into the problems with metal implants int he jaw, suffice it to say that there are plenty of reasons to revise your whole approach to your teeth and their care.
Another one of the common health myths is that Fluoride has anything to do with preventing tooth decay. Fluoride is a toxin and should not be ingested. Note the warnings on toothpaste in the small print. There is no one with a fluoride deficiency. don’t be suckered into giving your children fluoride treatment to fortify their teeth against decay. Just reduce the amount of sugar in the diet.
10. Immunity without Vaccines
Another contentious issue is the alleged need for vaccines. When we consider all the information with a cool and rational head, the potential negative effects of injecting particular substances into the bloodstream must be weighed against any alledged gain in immune system function. The responsibility of a child’s life is a big deal and we must trouble to understand this issue. It is entirely possible to get ones head around the facts about vaccines and I would go as far as to say that it is essential for any parent of guardian or potential parent to study up on this issue. There are several very good books and references.
The last of my 10 health myths that you need to know about is that vaccines are necessary to confer immunity. I submit that with rare exceptions generally they are not. There are much better ways to support the immune system through improving gut health and immune system function.
A full analysis of the vaccine issue is beyond the scope of this post, but it will be covered in a subsequent episode of “Living outside the Matrix”. For now, I hope I have suitably shaken your belief structure around health issues. Please feel free to join the conversation and leave a comment.
Have a great week
Nigel Howitt
Treehouse Farm, September 2018
Hi Nigel, I’ve been watching your videos for a while, great content. I just finished watching your video on 10 health myths. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of what I can eat…e.g. there is a lot of info on what should be avoided in the video…but what can I eat instead…is there a diet that you lean towards or a book with info supporting your work. Keen to learn and keep producing great content. Kind regards Sean
Hi Sean. many thanks for your comment. You raise a great point and have inspired me to create a post addressing exactly that. In 2 or 3 weeks I will post diet suggestions. I don’t advocate any particular diet but take the best points of many. For example, I eat low carb/no sugar, organic, grass-fed home-raised meats, plenty of homegrown and organic veggies in a daily salad with nuts and seeds and a healthy oil dressing, and a lot of sardines and anchovies and pastured organic eggs, with a moderate overall protein intake.
In the meantime a few great book suggestions are
1. Fat for fuel – by Dr Joseph Mercola
2. The plant paradox – by Steven R Gundry
3. The case against sugar – by Gary Taubes
4. Know your fats – by Mary G Enig
5. Glow 15 – by Naomi Whittel
6. Primal Body Primal Mind – by Nora Gedgaudas
Once again thank you for your inspirational comments. Nigel.