Mysticism will always negate and prevent Freedom
Ideas are powerful, they shape the lives of men and set the course for civilisations. Ideas are what motivate us. The ideas we adopt as true determine our values, our goals, and every aspect of our experience. And the more fundamental an idea is the more powerful it is.
Imagine 2 different people. One holds that disease is caused by ‘germs’, the other holds that disease is a detoxification process. One lives in a dangerous world full of trillions of potential disease causing enemies of health, the other lives in a world where care must be taken to avoid toxicity and to regularly detoxify the body as part of one’s lifestyle. One lives in fear and in a world that is hostile to human health, the other is empowered and lives in a world that is not fundamentally hostile to human existence.
Philosophy is the science of fundamental ideas that shape and affect man’s view of existence and of himself and of his relationship to existence. If you want to be free you must go all the way down to the basement (in terms of ideas) to understand how the most fundamental ideas control the way people think, if they think and what they think. You must be conscious of, and examine, the most fundamental ideas so you can grasp how they relate to each other and grasp the very significant implications of holding particular fundamental ideas.
The Bedrock
It must be noted that logic is our only means of discerning truth because it’s our only means to knowing anything. It must be noted that acceptance of reality being an objective absolute is crucial for the concept of truth to have any meaning. Although it is self-evident, it must be never-the-less be understood and held consciously that A is A, that things are what they are independent of any consciousness, that causality proceeds from identity, and that contradictions cannot exist outside of the mind. These basic irrefutable tenets underpin all rational thinking and any and all claims to knowledge. It must further be noted that mysticism and any kind of theism contradict these basic irrefutable facts that constitute our means to truth and knowledge.
The logical fallacy of the stolen concept was identified and called as such by Ayn Rand. I sometimes think of it as the fallacy of cutting off the branch you are standing on. This logical fallacy is the one that makes all of our (so-called) ‘thinking’ circular and un-grounded in reality. It is the logical fallacy that results in people holding contradictory ideas and not grasping that one negates the other, or empties the other of meaning. It is arguably the most fundamental cause of the widespread inability to think logically that effectively blinds the people of the world to what is going on and how they are being led into tyranny. It is compounded by a lack of understanding that knowledge is necessarily hierarchical in nature – somethings had to be known first in order to infer other things – since all knowledge is either self-evident or inferred.
Firm Foundations
No freedom movement, or any movement in history, has ever endured without a coherent set of core principles (ideas) to unite its advocates under a common understanding that validates the cause. A common philosophical root is the only way to ensure that everyone is coming from the same fundamental place, and that everyone is assuming the same fundamental understanding of the concept of freedom and is therefore arguing for the same thing from the same premises.
The ability to see which ideas fundamentally support (or undermine) others is absolutely essential if we are serious about a truth or freedom movement, and if we are serious about our success of achieving freedom and escaping the impending tyranny. Those seeking freedom must all be on board a solid ship that can endure the rough seas of challenge solely by using logically strong reasoned argument.
The freedom movement must necessarily rest on the non-aggression principle.
The only two option you have if you want to affect the behaviour of other people are either one, through rational persuasion, or two, by using some kind of force or intimidation. You can only ‘fight’ for a cause using reasoned argument or brute force (violence). These are the only two options. In fact, lets say it accurately… One can only reason for freedom, it cannot be fought for. That is a contradiction in terms. Those advocating for freedom are seeking escape from the use of force, and seeking to be left alone. They are the ones who recognise that force is the problem. Force is the only means by which rights can be violated. Those seeking freedom are (by their nature) opposed to force. The argument for freedom is an argument against the use of force. Therefore, those genuinely seeking freedom (as opposed to infiltrators and shills) will advocate for reasoned argument over brute force and violence.
If we want to avoid force and violence, and avoid the violation of other men’s rights, we must use reason. This means we must rely on evidence, proof, logic and the rational argument. But to do this we must understand which fundamental ideas reasoned argument rests upon and make sure we do NOT undermine these! We must grasp that A is A, that contradiction don’t exist and that causality proceeds from identity. In other words. we must grasp that reality is a fixed absolute independent of any consciousness, human or divine.
We must start by recognising that existence exists, and that consciousness is conscious. This implies that something exists and that you exist and are able to know it. We must logically start here, at the philosophical bedrock, agreeing that reality is an objective absolute, and proceed from that fundamental premise to investigate the facts of objective reality. This is of huge importance because if we challenge or argue against reality being a fixed absolute we are emptying the concept of truth of meaning, destroying the concept of knowledge, and destroying our means of rational persuasion.
To be a mystic and to hold that reality is not an objective absolute, to hold that miracles are possible and that we create our own reality, to sanction the existence of a supernatural deity who can suspend the law of causality, is to render ourselves powerless and ineffective with no means of rational argument! It is to remove the only means to achieving the goal of freedom that can work! When reason is discounted or abandoned violence and intimidation (force) is all that is left as a tool of persuasion. Without reason being championed and logic being held as the method to discern truth, the campaign for freedom cannot succeed.
The potential freedom of humanity rests on whether we can shake off this irrational clinging to mysticism. It is that important.
It is NOT a matter of personal opinion. It is not a subject that must be ‘respectfully’ avoided so we don’t upset people. It is a matter of freedom or slavery, truth or deception, life or death, reason or mysticism.
Many people do not realise that freedom is inherently selfish. It is the ability to live for one’s own sake and not be bound by a duty to keep sacrificing for others. The concept of selfishness must be re-examined and redefined to grasp that it is not evil. Rational self interest is our human method of survival! We must also re-examine our understanding of kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity. These ideas rest on the assumption that one’s action is voluntary, freely chosen or not according to circumstances and context. As soon as moral obligation comes in then kindness, generosity and thoughtfulness are destroyed and simply become what you should do. But duty and moral obligation are the core of the culturally dominant idea of altruism. This idea holds that you have no right to live for your own sake. You must not be selfish. But this idea is wrong and it negates freedom. In other words, its crucial to understand that while the idea of altruism is widely held, there is no possibility for freedom at the same time. It is either one or the other. The idea of ‘freedom’ and the idea of ‘altruism’ are mutually exclusive. Living for one’s own sake is not compatible with living a life of sacrifice for others. This is just one example of how the vast majority of people hold contradictory ideas.
The idea that we create our own reality, that reality is not a fixed absolute independent of any consciousness, is similarly dangerous because it negates and undermines the concept of truth and the idea (the concept) of rational persuasion. It therefore undermines peace, freedom and abundance – the very things that everyone professes to want more of! Peaceful persuasion, rational argument and logical demonstration all rest on the essential foundation of “the idea” of recognising objective reality, fixed and absolute. If this is not held as the base of all human thinking then there is no rational, peaceful way to persuade anyone of anything! All that is left is brute force and violence.
Mystic beliefs are a call to inaction
Mystical ideas, such as, you create our own reality, or that God will save us, all necessarily imply that the nature of the threat is reduced or negated. If you create your own reality then (implicitly) you can avoid the negative consequences of the globalist take over. The existential threat is effectively mitigated, reduced. It can be considered avoidable in some implicit (nonsense) way.
If someone believes that they have eternal life, or that this is just one of many lives, then whats the problem if we all die? The delusion goes on to assume that we will all learn from the experience and everything will be OK in the long run. Back in reality, tyranny will reign and the existence of many people will be ended. Similarly, all the Mystic Christians will tell us that Jesus is going to come along at the last minute and save us all from evil. So I don’t have to do anything. Jesus saves.
All mystic beliefs are a departure from reality and therefore if followed to their logical conclusion inevitably lead to human suffering. All these mystic ideas amount to an argument for inaction. They are means to duping people away from creating a credible opposition to exploitation and enslavement.
If you want to be free you must know the truth, and you must grasp that all the ideas you hold must be consistent with each other. No particular idea that you hold to be true can be allowed to negate another idea you also hold to be true. You must grasp that mysticism is a negation of truth because it silently removes the foundations of truth and reasoned argument, and leaves you in a world where might is right and force is the only arbiter of disputes.
For humanity to have any chance of freedom thinking people must grasp that reasoned argument is the only means of persuasion, and it is destroyed by faith and mysticism.
Nigel Howitt
May 31st, 2022
Some objective reality would be writing as if two genders exist. How about showing some respect for female existence? You’re just like the theocrats/mystics yourself. Not much difference there, showing that indeed it appears to be in the testosterone that male imbecility is found.
I was going to aggregate you, but since your mode of writing shows you are unaware that women and girls exist, I cannot. Try getting in touch with objective reality.
It is sad that, deliberately or not, you have completely missed the very important point that the above post makes. You have been so unnecessarily focused on gender that you have blinded yourself to any potential increase in your knowledge. In the writing above I make one reference to “men’s rights”, and I am using the term men as a species term. You can only see a gender term because you are irrationally fixed on this issue of gender. I recognise both human genders and consider them beautifully complimentary, and I assume my readers are mature and rational enough to do the same. I see no need to get hung up on language and make silly accusations that simply distract us from the important issues. Well done for missing the point! Well done for being preoccupied with an irrelevance. You must have tried really hard to find something to have a gripe about in the above post. And you succeeded. You succeeded in completely failing to move your knowledge forward or grasp anything new. The approach that you demonstrate undermines any hope for humanity to avoid the coming totalitarianism through an understanding of fundamental important ideas. People who think and act like you, are the problem.