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This is BIG news. An astronomy researcher in Italy, Simon Shack, has found the missing link in a model of the Solar System created by the most famous astronomer you have never heard of – Tycho Brahe. The Tychos model completely disproves the heliocentric (or Copernican) model that we have all been brought up with.
Most people do not know abut the numerous ‘anomalies’ with the heliocentric model. They are the evidence that the heliocentric model simply doesn’t explain the empirical evidence – what we see when we look up at the stars. Astronomers know about these anomalies and they are widely acknowledged. Yet even so, mainstream astronomy remains deaf to this exciting news. But don’t be put off by those classic logical fallacies, just because everyone else doesn’t yet accept this, and just because it is not the official explanation does NOT undermine its logical credentials. Suspend judgement until you have looked at the facts. THEN decide for yourself.
Aside from being the BIGGEST breakthrough in hundreds of years in the understanding of our solar system and our Universe, I also like to consider this issue as the perfect test for one’s ability to think logically. Because when you take a dispassionate look at all the facts, when you grasp that all of the observed data (from centuries of painstaking collection by hundreds of renowned astronomers) fits into (and is accommodated by) this model, without any contradictions, inventive theorizing or fudging, it is difficult not to accept this as the most likely model of the way our solar system actually moves around us.
The Tychos Model
Tycho Brahe was a celebrated Danish nobleman and astronomer who developed what was the most widely accepted model of the solar system for at least a century. His assistant, Johannes Kepler, came up with the idea of elliptical orbits to fudge Brahe’s data to ‘fit’ the Copernican/heliocentric model shortly after Tycho Brahe untimely death in suspicious circumstances in 1601. There is a lot of evidence in the historical record that undermines Kepler’s character and raises serious suspicion over his motives and his commitment to scientific method.

Simon Shack’s achievement has been to fit the final piece into the puzzle. He has integrated many of the anomalous observations of the heliocentric model and inferred the Earths own orbit which takes 25344 years. In doing so, all of the anomalies of the heliocentric model disappear and a perfect model that explains everything we actually see emerges. This is massive news!
If you think about it, its possible to deduce one’s own motion by observing the relative motion of things around us – the parallax. We do this all the time from car, train and plane windows. In the same way astronomers can observe the various and numerous instances of parallax between Earth and all the other celestial bodies, as well as a host of other observational data, and then infer Earth’s motion. The problem is that when we try to reconcile the vast body of collected observed data it doesn’t fit with the heliocentric model, in spite of all the assertions that it has been incontrovertibly proven. All sorts of ludicrous inventions have had to be invoked to ‘explain away’ the many things that don’t fit. But daring to think outside the box, Simon Shack hypothesised that the earth itself is moving around its own orbit. By making some basic calculations and then integrating this idea into Tycho Brahe’s geocentric binary model of the solar system, Simon was able to refine his calculations to the point where everything fits! The earths (PVP) orbit takes 25,344 years to complete and explains the precession of the equinoxes and host of other observed phenomena. It is the missing piece of the puzzle that has eluded astronomers for centuries!
This link takes you to the book and Simulator – The TYCHOS Our Geoaxial Binary Solar System

In Episode 154 of “Living outside the Matrix” Simon Shack and Patrik Holmqvist explain the Tychos model using the TYCHOSIUM simulator and some well-crafted graphics. We cover several of the anomalies of the Copernican model and how the Tychos model resolves them, but there is so much more in the book. If you would like to learn more follow the link above to read the book for free. It is fabulously readable. Even if you are not familiar with astronomy you will quickly become absorbed in this well explained work that has uncovered arguably the most significant truly scientific breakthrough in modern times.
Logically, when you uncover something you’re convinced is true, you look with suspicion upon all those who still champion what you now know to be false. The Tychos model easily disproves the heliocentric model on many counts, but NASA and ESA cling to it tenaciously even though they are best placed to see the truth with all of their impressive telescopes. Indeed, the whole establishment clings to it. Why?
We already know that NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) never give straight answers, so we must not allow their rejection of this model along with the mainstream astronomical community’s refusal to look at it, to undermine its logical credentials. It fits the data, it explains what we see – without contradiction. There is no need to substitute invention for inquiry, this is the simple explanation. One only needs the patience and willingness to study the TYCHOS to perceive its magnificence.
When a hypothesis is dis-proven, as the heliocentric model is by the Tychos, the integrity of those who insist that it is true becomes questionable. When you know something is untrue, this knowledge reveals the liar who insists that it is without discussion! Once a liar has been identified everything they have said becomes questionable. In this case it means space travel, Moon landings, Mars missions, international space stations, etc, are all questionable because of who tells us about them.
Like all issues of potential controversy, the climate emergency, the existence of viruses, or false flag terrorism, the mainstream commentators will not look at the facts in a logical and rational way. Don’t even expect it. Liars will not capitulate and say they are sorry. They will just keep on lying, because a lot rides on this. Their whole illusory world disconnected from reality will come tumbling down when this is widely known. They do not want to hasten that inevitable process. This is why we are necessarily thrown onto our own resources of logical thinking. You don’t need official agencies to tell you what is true, you can use your own mind.
If you are a rational thinker. If you can focus on the facts and ignore the logical fallacies. Then, in grasping the Tychos model, you may well be privy to insights and conclusions at the cutting edge of human knowledge with respect to how we fit into the solar system and the Universe! You probably already know that you won’t increase your knowledge through blind acceptance of the mainstream narrative.
In the future I hope to bring more detail to this information by focusing on individual chapters of the book. I look forward to many more detailed discussions of this incredible work.
Nigel Howitt
Treehouse Farm, April 2022
I gave this video a shot because you personally recommended this idea to me.
I regard myself as a pretty intelligent and curious person. I also have a good grasp of the currently accepted ‘heliocentric’ model and its details, as astronomy is a natural interest of mine.
42 minutes in, and I gave up watching. My feedback:
1. The video is quite unstructured, with ad-hoc reasons of thought. Unproven postulates. (I know it’s normal and acceptable for a video to not prove everything. Perhaps I’ve grown used to your very clear reasoning and language, Nigel! 😉 )
2. A 3D view (the tychosium) is shown to illustrate different concepts (good). But: it seems to me like it’s just the same as the heliocentric model, but with the orbit of the earth replaced by a yellow orbit of the sun around the earth. The actual movements are not (at least at first sight) different from the heliocentric model at all.
What I would like to see is a simple and condensed argument, it would go something like this:
* Give an example of where the currently existing model is wrong or does not adequately explain something. Perhaps a surprising observation.
* Briefly explain that the new model fixes this, and how it does it.
* Then go into more detail explaining the new model to bring understanding to the viewer / reader.
Since I didn’t like the video a lot, I moved on to other sources of information. I have two options now (actually just one, read on):
1. I read the book, which will take a lot of time. And I will have to find some interesting information somewhere first on *why* I would read this book and how it will help me. (didn’t get that from the video, zero motivation to explore tbh.)
2. I go to the forum to get some more condensed information on the topic. But then I read this post: https://forum.tychos.space/t/general-rules-for-joining-this-forum/92
> This forum is not interested in having as many members as possible joining in – and merely submitting brief, handwaving questions such as: “what is the best evidence that the TYCHOS provides to refute the heliocentric model?”
Wow, this is not very inviting. I was quite surprised to read this, since in my reasoning above I concluded that this is exactly what I would like to see, a condensed summary of the evidence.
I now have to wait until I receive some extra info about this model that will help me generate some more curiousity, or wait until it naturally comes back.
Cheers for the comment LT.
The TYCHOS is a big deal to get your head around, I get that. And it is extremely difficult to explain it to a newcomer, and impossible to do so briefly.
I watched SImon and Patrik in this interview with David Mathisen recently. https://youtu.be/xHKT8Ew5TNo
It lasts 2 hours 40 minutes and they only touched on a few of the many problems with the heliocentric model that the TYCHOS fixes. And there are loads. In fact few people grasp how many ‘problems’ there are with the heliocentric model, and interestingly the TYCHOS fixes all of them — even Halley’s comet!
I hasten to add that Mathisen conducted a much better interview than I did. Better structure, and better questions.
Thanks for the observations of the interview and the subject in general. All very helpful. I plan to have more conversations with Simon and Patrik about it. And indeed, to host a presentation from them both on this topic next summer in the UK.
Last point LT, I am very surprised that you couldn’t see any difference between the heliocentric and the TYCHOS models!
In a nutshell. The TYCHOS has the sun revolving around the earth. The sun and Mars are a binary pair, revolving around each other. All the other planets revolve around the SUN. The earth rotates as we know, and moves slowly round it own orbit — taking 25,344 years to complete one revolution.
Note this. That the TYCHOS has so far been shown to adequately accommodate ALL of the available empirical astronomical evidence to date.
> Last point LT, I am very surprised that you couldn’t see any difference between the heliocentric and the TYCHOS models!
> In a nutshell. The TYCHOS has the sun revolving around the earth. The sun and Mars are a binary pair, revolving around each other. All the other planets revolve around the SUN. The earth rotates as we know, and moves slowly round it own orbit — taking 25,344 years to complete one revolution.
Just to quickly clarify here, I read the first 4 chapters of the book. I understand that the theory mentions the sun and mars being a binary pair. What I want to specifically get at is this:
1. open https://ts.tychos.space/
2. Tilt the camera a bit so that it’s not pointing directly ‘down’ at the solar system, I noticed some glitches if the camera is directly looking at the Z axis.
3. set the ‘look at’ setting to ‘Sun’ (The sun is now being followed and is in the center.)
4. hit run.
Now observe the standard movements of all the planets around the sun, exactly like the currently accepted model. Seems to me like it’s just a matter of choosing another frame of reference.
You’re right LT. It is all about perspective when reconciling observational evidence with claims of fact. And it’s a point of fact that the sun either orbits the earth, or the earth orbits the sun.
In my considered view taking into account all of the evidence, the tychos model is overwhelmingly convincing. Phenomena such as the Analema, the Precession of the Equinoxes, and the positive/negative distribution of star parallaxes, are all beautifully accommodated. The inescapable conclusion I draw is that this model of the way our solar system moves is very likely to be true.
Please allow me to add a comment to EPS 123 on. 09/12/2020. I hope that you have great success with the TYCHOS model and convince people to abandon Heliocentrism. That is the most difficult task. They will “burn the bridge behind them ” as they do so and cannot return when they become disillusioned and disenchanted with the TYCHOS model. I will be there for them when this happens.