We are all accustomed to revering Albert Einstein as the genius who came up with the ‘General Theory of Relativity’, and the famous equation e = mc2. His claims are almost universally considered scientific fact. Until recently I have not been aware of any dissenting voices. Not because there aren’t any, but because they have been drowned out in a chorus of praise and adulation. It is also worth noting that almost nobody can understand or explain his theories in an intelligible and meaningful way.
In 1931 a book was published by Dr. Hans Israel, Dr. Erich Ruckhaber, Dr. Rudolf Weinmann, with contributions from Prof. Dr. Del-Negro, Prof. Dr. Driesch, Prof. Dr. De Hartog, Prof. Dr. Kraus, Prof. Dr. Leroux, Prof. Dr. Linke, Prof. Dr. Lothigius, Prof. Dr. Mellin, Dr. Petraschek, Dr. Rauschenberger, Dr.Reuterdahl, Dr. Vogtherr and many more. The book was called “A hundred authors against Einstein“. It summarised many of the objections to Einstein’s claims and pointed out the many logical errors in his work. It details how much of the criticism of Einsteins ideas was simply ignored amidst a media frenzy of support and adulation. The fact that books like this are not known of, is testament to the control and censorship in the mainstream media machine for at least the last 100 years. Do not constrain yourself to thinking it is only a recent phenomenon.
Criticisms of Einsteins work are still raised today by modern critics, see 95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908–2003). The logical fallacy at the heart of Quantum Physics appears to be the belief that reality exists in mathematics as opposed to the fact that mathematics exists in reality. The mistaken belief seems to be that mathematics and geometry govern reality, but in fact they simply describe various aspects of reality and observed patterns within reality.
The video below makes a great point. Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku makes it clear. It is unfortunate that Flat Earthers like the one who made this video, use one truth (that theoretical physics is pseudoscience) to argue for a complete load of nonsense such as the proposed flat earth idea. The earth is not flat.
The reason that these theoretical physicists have got it so wrong is that they deny reality is an objective absolute. They deny that things are what they are irrespective of any consciousness — which is the way reality is — and they hold that consciousness creates reality. Some of them say so explicitly; all of them say it implicitly. It is essential to understand here that when you reject the idea that reality is an objective absolute, when you reject that contradictions cannot exist, when you reject that everything that exists has identity, you are arguing against the base of all knowledge — the self evident. If one denies the self-evident there can be no base from which to infer any subsequent ‘knowledge’. To consider reality an illusion is a logical error in thinking that has the effect of disconnecting that thinker from reality.
The thinking of modern theoretical physicists is disconnected from reality by these philosophical beliefs. They have arrived at the inevitable intellectual dead end. Their denial of the ground on which they necessarily stand isn’t intellectual competence, it’s intellectual self-destruction, or rather intellectual suicide by ignorance — ignorance of the hierarchical structure of knowledge. I almost feel a twinge of embarrassment for the human race, when I see our leading (supposed) scientists and intellectuals arguing against the the very base of the concept of knowledge. When you understand what they are doing, it looks very silly.
The bigger point here is this: theoretical physics is not the only branch of study that denies objective reality, most so-called ‘sciences’ are in the same position. Legitimate science is dead in the mainstream. How can it be expected to survive the post truth era?
If you want to know the truth here’s what you must do: gather any and all contradictory arguments and weigh them against each other to see which is logically valid. Two or more contradictory claims cannot all be true. It is a fact that counter arguments to Einstein were ignored. This is a very poor indictment of those who did/do the ignoring. It implies they are avoiding rational debate — which detracts enormously from their credibility.
While there exist dissenting voices, these must be listened to, firstly to judge if the objections are valid. Genuine science only moves forward by addressing questions, not by avoiding them. The questions raised, point to where those interested in truth must investigate — in accordance with proper scientific method.
All competing ideas must be tested against reality, and all contradictions thus resolved. The ideas commensurate with the facts of reality are true. Resolving the contradiction means finding out which of the contradictory claims is false.
In the video below, Sabine Hossenfelder debunks some theoretical ideas such as string theory and multiverses, but then she endorses the Big Bang theory and black holes, which are equally untenable ideas! This illustrates a very common way that disinformation spreads — intentionally or not. One false idea is debunked, but at the same time a bigger one is reinforced.
When you fully begin to grasp that the fundamental philosophical ideas that have been driving western culture for more than 200 years are anti-reality and therefore anti-science, anti-knowledge, anti-rational; then you can begin to grasp the extent to which modern science is bankrupt. All recent advances in technology are in fact refinements and improvements of existing technologies. Fundamental new discoveries have ceased. The philosophical guidance by the intellectuals of the past 200 years have achieved their inevitable result. The thinking of men has been destroyed from the base. We are watching the slow motion road crash of a civilisation that is now out of touch with reality to a dangerous degree. Dangerous for human freedom, peace and prosperity.
In this video, Ep155 of “Living outside the Matrix” The logical fallacy behind the belief in the big bang is explained. It must be noted that most of the false beliefs in modern pseudoscience originate from logical fallacies in thinking. In other words, thinking errors, or errors of logic in our thinking result in people buying into all manner of nonsense.
Remember that things are what they are, A is A. The law of identity , the law of non-contradiction, and the law of causality are your best friends when discerning truth. Much of modern theoretical physics is simply nonsense. Its a real shame that it takes Flat Earthers to point this out, and in doing so discredit the observation in the eyes of those who recognise that the flat Earthers are flat wrong.
What do you think?
“This illustrates a very common way that disinformation spreads — intentionally or not. One false idea is debunked, but at the same time a bigger one is reinforced. In the video below, the ideas of string theory and a multiverse are both rightly shown to be nonsense, but then equally false ideas, that of the big bang theory and ‘black holes’, are given credibility.”
Right. I find that this twisting up of ideas is always what gets through the mainstream mouthpieces like YouTube, by design of course. Truly dangerous ideas like Simon’s get completely censored. It’s become my contra-indicator!
Thanks for the links to those books!
Thanks for your comment Les. I agree with what you say.
Very interesting post.
> The logical fallacy at the heart of Quantum Physics appears to be the belief that reality exists in mathematics as opposed to the fact that mathematics exists in reality. The mistaken belief seems to be that mathematics and geometry govern reality, but in fact they simply describe various aspects of reality and observed patterns within reality.
I love this. It is extremely well put, and is actually not limited to only quantum physics. -Which I believe is just the pinnacle of: “we can’t logically explain why some things happen, so the predictions themselves become the only explanation”.-
Just sharing some websites that I liked, with some alternative physics theories that are in line with ‘reality-first’ thinking (aether theories):
Electron positron lattice theory: https://www.epola.co.uk/
Aether Pages: http://www.aether-theory.co.uk/
This post also reminded me of some thoughts I had in the past. Einstein is not only known for his theoretical work, but also for his connection to the nuclear bomb. Which has a profound effect (physical and/or psychological) on humanity.
Just throwing it out there: are nuclear weapons real? Do they work? What is the physics based on? And can we discover anything with observations in the real world that would prove their existence? Or is it all just propaganda material?
Curious to hear your thoughts. I’m also open to collaborate more on these topics if interested.
Thanks for the comment Loose Tooth. And cheers for the links. It gives me great pleasure to know that there are thinkers like you out there. My initial thoughts on nuclear weapons is that they are not real. Although I hasten to add I am not certain of this. My thinking is informed by the observations and experiences of Galen Winsor, a chap who was safety manager for numerous US nuclear reactors, as far back as the 1950s. He claimed that nuclear reactors were not dangerous — given certain basic precautions. He used to swim in the same water the rods were cooled in. He even drank it! I have a video of his on YT https://youtu.be/EQAejQifrmk.
I would be happy to collaborate. I will ping you an email.
Thanks! I’m happy to see that mail coming.
In the meanwhile: years ago, while I was researching the topic of nuclear weapons in more detail, I could only find a single book on the topic:
> Death Object: Exploding The Nuclear Weapons Hoax
I remember not really liking the book, but I agreed with the conclusion that nuclear weapons -in all probability- are not real and more of a propaganda tool than anything else.
I also found the following forum, which is a snapshot (currently inactive): https://big-lies.org/nuke-lies/www.nukelies.com/forum/index.html
However, I did not read a lot on this forum.
> Although I hasten to add I am not certain of this.
It is very hard to prove that something is not real. -At least harder than proving something *is* real.- But with your history of truth seeking, and experience, I’m sure we can dissect this topic in more detail. One of the ways we could approach it is mentioned in the above post:
> gather any and all contradictory arguments and weigh them against each other to see which is logically valid. Two or more contradictory claims cannot all be true.
I have to admit though that I still have to grow in my analytical skills and different techniques we could use to approach this topic.