Only recently I wrote in my journal of my happiness and the achievement of various goals in my life. But I am a truth seeker, and as such, I am compelled to assess the full context of my life with honesty and integrity, so as to be accurately in touch with reality. To this end, a periodic reality check is an absolute necessity.
I value truth above all else. This means that I value knowledge of reality – as it is, not as I wish it would be. Yet these days few people share this view. I live in the “post-truth” era and this is dangerous because it means that the culture into which I have been born is heading for disaster! It cannot be otherwise.
If you too are a thinker and have joined the dots, there is no other conclusion that can logically be drawn if we are not to delude ourselves. But the mental exercise here is one of following the implications. It requires respecting cause and effect to see where things will lead. When human action departs from any consideration of the facts of reality pain suffering and destruction is all that can result. And I see that the culture that surrounds me has significantly departed from reality.
The alleged pandemic caused by a scary little microbe, along with mask-wearing and anti-social distancing, is just the latest manifestation of this departure from the facts of reality. As I consider the full context of my knowledge I can only conclude that I am witnessing mass madness, and a planned population cull orchestrated by a few over the many unthinking sheep of humanity. This can only be initiated by people who have also departed from the rails of reality because this is in no one’s interest. Not even a so-called ‘elite’ who consider themselves superior to the rest of us.
What is in everyone’s interest?
A world of enlightened and therefore rational beings living in political freedom, and therefore enjoying peace, abundance, prosperity and happiness.
But just as the sheeple fail to grasp this, neither, it seems, do the controllers. Meaning, those who harvest our sweat equity in the form of taxes, inflation and licensing on the human farms known as countries. They are out of touch with reality as well. Because it is not true that anyone’s rational self-interest is served by controlling others. In their ignorance and departure from reality, the controllers are killing the geese that lay the golden eggs!
Tyranny is here. In lands that have enjoyed a period of relative freedom for a few hundred years, the jackboots of the state are coming to kick the doors down and remove people from their homes in the name of health and the protection of the people. They will call it quarantine. The population cull plan has been initiated. Or is it a DNA change to induce human 2.0 and the transhuman agenda? Mass vaccinations are imminent. Ill-health, disease and misery will result. Mass infertility and a population collapse will be inevitable. Forced incarceration in the name of quarantine and mass suffering is on the horizon. These are the facts that must be faced in order to plan your best response. This is not fear porn, its a reality check!
Escape from the Matrix
People who think for themselves, who do not suck at the teat of the mainstream narrative, and thus retain some semblance of connection to reality, will at some point need to disappear into the cracks of society until the tsunami of insanity passes over.
Yes, join the protests NOW. Get out on the streets and make your opposition known. Refuse to wear masks. Refuse to socially distance yourself from others. because soon this window of opportunity will pass.
The time will soon come for those who are rational, those who think, those who can comprehend what is happening, to hide away from mainstream life for self-protection and to preserve the knowledge and insights they have and the rationality that they live by, that it may once again re-emerge after the tyranny, oppression and mass cull is over. I think our predicament is that serious.
How long will this take? Maybe years, maybe decades? Maybe a century or more?
Don’t get tested! Don’t get vaccinated!
The thinking few must not allow themselves to be tested for SARS-COV 2, they must not allow themselves to be vaccinated. If necessary, they will have to shrink away from mainstream culture in order to survive. Avoiding the vaccination is THAT IMPORTANT!
They will have to forego the benefits of social interaction in gymnasiums, clubs and other social spaces, as well as international travel or any other form of participation that will inevitably require an up-to-date health passport – with all that this implies. This is serious. The madness has only just begun and it is going to get a lot worse.
Face the facts
I don’t want the world to be like this. If only I didn’t have to pass this baton on to my children. I never wanted them to carry such a solemn burden of responsibility into the future. But there are always things that are beyond our control, and this is the context of today. This is where we are at!
Reality check!
Western culture that enjoyed a brief flirtation with freedom is being destroyed. Whether by intention or by ignorance it does not matter. By gender madness, Black lives matter, the race for equality, the fear of bogus climate change, the list goes on and on.
The philosophical premises that could have sustained freedom never came to dominate western culture. In fact, they have been opposed. A knowable reality as an objective absolute, a complete rejection of mysticism, and a morality of rational egoism may one day come to pass.
I am sure that one day reason (as man’s guiding principle towards truth) will once again be re-discovered when enough suffering has been experienced. Capitalism will one day be rediscovered as the socio-economic system that recognises man’s freedom. The non-aggression principle will once again predominate and people will one day be able to live for their own sake and not as a means to support others.
But for now, dark days loom ahead. The visible signs all around us say there is no escape. The clouds of tyranny are billowing on the horizon. Those least prepared will suffer the worst consequences. None of us will escape them entirely.
There has never been a greater need for truth than today. If you haven’t made preparations already, your time is short.
Nigel Howitt
Treehouse Farm, September 6th 2020
Thank you Nigel. I’d really appreciate knowing what preparations you recommend – I’ve started with some basics – solar power on my van, natural medicines . . .
I too believe we need to slip between the cracks. I’m trusting that Life will lead me to a safe haven with brothers and sisters.
Hi Sonia. Good point, I will gather the info on what I have done and probably post it in the near future. Thanks for the comment and prompt. Nigel