These days it is clear that the vast majority believe in the narrative. They believe that governments and authorities know best and have their best interests at heart, they believe in face masks, they believe in the virus story, they believe in anything that they hear in the mainstream news.
Is this so surprising? Let’s look at our culture’s track record for believing in false myths.
To believe something is to accept it as true, with or without reasons. It means to file a conclusion in your mind as a ‘truth’ and act on it even though you do not know it is true. If something is proven or known to be true you do not need to believe in it. Such truths are held as convictions.
The important point here is that belief does not give you truth however much you wish that it would. As a consequence, the whole world moves move forward on false premises that are convenient for corporate and political agendas irrespective of the facts of reality!
“Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Environmental ‘belief’
The Environmental movement was created in the ’60s or thereabouts and with it the birth of the idea that humans are the enemy of the planet and therefore ‘the problem’. Ever since we have seen a greater and greater belief in the idea that atmospheric concentrations of CO2, the gas of life, must be reduced to “save the planet”. In spite of the facts of reality, this belief has become increasingly widespread. These days it is an almost universally held belief that contradicts the facts of a greening planet as plants get more crucial CO2 to grow. It happens to suit the agenda of control and the march towards the totalitarian state. All you have to do is be committed to finding the truth to bust this myth, yet it seems that the truth is of secondary importance to the need to believe in it.
Belief in wireless technology
What about smartphone and wi-fi use? Since the birth of wireless mobile technology, the voices of concern have been suppressed. The burgeoning use of smartphones these days is encouraged and supported by the establishment in contradiction to the facts of reality with respect to the health effects of electromagnetic radiation. The masses embrace the convenience and functionality of the technology in complete disregard of the facts. The few voices of reason are drowned out, censored and ignored. The facts reveal the truth, but again, truth doesn’t seem to matter in the face of such fabulous convenience and functional value.
Belief in currency
Ever since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when the last vestiges of a free market in banking were brought to an end in the United States, the whole world entered an era where banking and finance parted company with reality. The concepts of value and money were divorced, and the controlled economy took over from the free market. This represents another major example of western civilisation departing from the reality of the huge benefits of unregulated exchange of goods and services on a free market. A system called capitalism that brought humanity into the modern era of comfort and technology. The propaganda continues to rubbish the only political-economic system that respects the freedom of the individual.
Belief in government
The legal system has been based on ‘legal fictions’ for many decades. A sleight of hand enables governments to fool people into a jurisdictional trap. It is a brilliant con that is too far outside the box for the average person to question. In spite of the efforts of the freeman movement of about 10 years ago to break its stranglehold on the freedom of men, it is enforced with an iron fist cloaked in a velvet glove and remains a massive departure from truth and reality. Governments only have jurisdiction over men due to the use of force and coercion yet the belief in it persists giving a defacto truth to the lie.
Belief in Germ Theory
The use of vaccines as a means of acquiring immunity is widely believed in on the back of the germ theory model of disease. The public act on the advice of the medical establishment in cahoots with big pharma irrespective of the facts in another serious departure from reality. For many decades now the theory of infectious disease, as put forth by the fraudulent Louis Pasteur, has been adopted by the medical cartel in spite of the fact that it has never been proven and many facts blatantly contradict it. Again, it happens to suit the Medical Cartel’s business model of drugs and vaccines and it happens to suit the technocratic march towards collectivism and a totalitarian state. Never the less it represents a profound departure from reality in the realm of human health care and disease prevention.
The problem with education
Education has been steadily eroded over many decades. The teaching of the young has been changed with so many new-fangled modern ideas so as to scupper children’s ability to think in principles. Subjects are taught in isolation without reference to wider principles from the ‘look-say’ method of teaching reading onwards. Self-expression, class discussion and political correctness hold sway over traditional methods of teaching that actually resulted in young people leaving their education with an ability to think. Young people today have no ability to join dots and assemble a coherent understanding of the world they live in. Most do not consider truth to be knowable. They inhabit a seemingly random and incomprehensible universe where feelings are all that is real.
The role of Propaganda
Edward Bernays began his career in manipulating the public mind with his commission to sway the American people into supporting World War One. With the help of some false flag terrorism in the sinking of the Lusitania, he achieved his goal. He went on to write the book “propaganda” and so an entire industry to mould the minds of the masses was born in 1928. It has blossomed since then and now spin and behavioural management are the normal order of the day. Still unseen by the ordinary unthink man on the street.
Driving all this from behind the scenes has been a philosophy of anti-reason. The Renaissance and the ‘age of reason’ has long passed and to our collective bitter cost. Its demise began way back in the 19th century when philosophers and intellectuals were attacking reason while claiming to speak on behalf of reason. The main culprit was Emmanual Kant (1724 – 1804).
Belief in Mysticism
Belief in a supernatural being or other mystic proclamations is right at the core of each one of these modern beliefs in things that are un-proven and contradicted by the evidence. Humanity still hasn’t yet outgrown this ancient and irrational practice and continues to cling to ideas that require faith where no proof is possible. But faith is the belief that reasons are not necessary. Faith is the antithesis of reason, and it is faith that gets us into all sorts of trouble. Reason is our only guide to knowledge and therefore action.
Dispensing with truth
Truth has long been dispensed within the eyes of the public. Positive thinking and the belief that you can create your own reality have replaced the perceived need for adherence to the facts of reality. Mysticism is alive and well, and the belief in things without factual basis is widely practiced in blind disregard for consequences. Even modern popular philosophers such as Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris argue over the meaning of ‘truth’ in a way that would leave even the most intelligent people pulling their hair out and concluding that truth doesn’t exist!
Anyone interested in reversing this disastrous trend must stand for reason, for thinking, for facts, logic and empirical evidence. We must begin by demanding reasons, and not simply believe.
Nigel Howitt
treehouse farm, July 29th 2020
Everything you say is true. Those people who will not think are bringing on this disaster by their absolute refusal to face facts. I really have very little sympathy for adults who so closely resemble sheep and when the slaughter commences I will focus entirely on my family and those that are capable of rational thought. I certainly will not waste energy on saving anybody else because I blame them for this cascade of disaster that is rolling out in real time. Their stupidity has allowed this to happen. It really is a case of them and us and maybe the world would be a better place without them.
Indeed, thanks for your comment Pete. The unthinking should be allowed to experience the consequences of their choice to not think. This is why socialism is a handbrake on human development. It bypasses the normal practices of compassion and charity administered after a judgment is made and applies a catch-all escape route for all and sundry to avoid the consequences of their ill-considered choices.