Greed is blamed for many human problems. Again and again, you hear people citing greed as an inescapable and fundamental aspect of human nature that results in disregard for others, injustice, theft, environmental destruction, conflict and suffering. But is greed really to blame? First, let’s look at the commonly … [Read more...] about Is greed the cause of any human problems?
How to Ask and Answer the best questions to find Truth
The cure to all problems is the curiosity to find the answer! And asking questions is an expression of curiosity and is the crucial essence of the reasoning process! It is because of your absolute need to know the truth, because your life depends on it that you are programmed at birth to be curious. Your natural … [Read more...] about How to Ask and Answer the best questions to find Truth
“Keep Britain Free” sounds good, but what does it mean?
'Keep Britain Free' is great sounding banner but what does it mean? It is the name of a campaign and legal action led by Simon Dolan. For a start lets acknowledge that Britain has never been free so it can't be kept free. Full political freedom has only ever been enjoyed in one place on earth and it was brief. It was … [Read more...] about “Keep Britain Free” sounds good, but what does it mean?
Evidence explaining COVID-19 excess mortalities:
High doses of various drug combinations is a far more likely explanation for excess mortality during the alleged pandemic than the unproven viral hypothesis, according to Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Kohnlein in the article below. The reader should bear in mind that no virus has ever been isolated, purified and proven … [Read more...] about Evidence explaining COVID-19 excess mortalities:
Reality Check!
Only recently I wrote in my journal of my happiness and the achievement of various goals in my life. But I am a truth seeker, and as such, I am compelled to assess the full context of my life with honesty and integrity, so as to be accurately in touch with reality. To this end, a periodic reality check is an absolute … [Read more...] about Reality Check!
MUST-SEE film for truth seekers
Please share this link far and wide in the interests of informing as many people as possible about the information they may not even have considered. It takes a while to broaden our understanding of the deception that is 'par for the course' in the world these days, The big leap is to grasp that you are lied to and you … [Read more...] about MUST-SEE film for truth seekers
Belief in the narrative, no matter what
These days it is clear that the vast majority believe in the narrative. They believe that governments and authorities know best and have their best interests at heart, they believe in face masks, they believe in the virus story, they believe in anything that they hear in the mainstream news. Is this so surprising? … [Read more...] about Belief in the narrative, no matter what
COVID-19 PCR tests are scientifically meaningless.
lockdowns and hygienic measures around the world are based on numbers of cases and mortality rates created by the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used to identify “positive” patients, whereby “positive” is usually equated with “infected.” But looking closely at the facts, the conclusion is that these PCR tests are … [Read more...] about COVID-19 PCR tests are scientifically meaningless.
There is no such thing as knowledge out of context
When I was a child there was a TV quiz show in which contestants examined a really zoomed in close-up of one tiny part of a larger object. They had to guess what the larger object was while the camera slowly zoomed out. As more of the picture was revealed it became easier to identify precisely what was being observed … [Read more...] about There is no such thing as knowledge out of context
What’s wrong with materialism?
It has long been fashionable to knock materialism. When I was younger I was programmed to believe that people who shunned the acquisition of physical things were somehow more spiritually enlightened, and to look with disapproval at anyone enjoying their material stuff and their wealth. It is widely considered to be … [Read more...] about What’s wrong with materialism?